The most important and definitive thing the occupant of the center does is select the successor who will be most likely to select the successor who will be most likely… This may sound like a very “formal” and “selfish” way of thinking about governing but the exact opposite is the case—the entire field of centered ordinality must be continually surveyed, all institutions must be created and maintained so as to produce suitable candidates and make those candidates known to people, responsibilities must be conferred across all distributory channels and priorities set so as to produce the dispositions needed to provide a sufficient number and range of candidates, Selecting the successor in perpetuity is intrinsically bound up with the center as the site of distribution, in which is remains continuous with its originary ritual function.
I certainly appreciate your emphasis on programs for a new order that can be started now in a pragmatic, not-too-obviously-revolutionary spirit. How open can one be about this though? Can one have a "political" party (if only the creation of a greater movement) openly devoted to ending politics in the name of common decency? How do you address your members if the goal is to make them, ultimately, into a working hierarchy of apolitical officers, or non-party party? If this "party", let's call it the Slap away the anti-SLAPP laws party (SAS - because I can't think of a good acronym for a You Can No Longer Call us Racists and Uncle Toms Party), whose slogan might be "free Parliaments and politics from the work of slander", institutions which as you suggest presently take their immunity from defamation laws as fundamental to their original privileges won in combat with (killing) the king, how can one sustain the claim that one is being pragmatic in face of the inevitable onslaught of claims that SAS is an anti-democratic, hence revolutionary party? One has to be in some way Machiavellian, no? Or can one be simply a happy warrior who is pragmatically restoring an originary constitution and protecting free speech but only for the work of maintaining data security?
My question stems from the passage in this post that is giving me, i think, the most trouble:
"There will never be any way of stepping outside of the existing order and representing that order as badly ordered in accord with some abstract model of order and proposing bringing it into closer approximation to that ideal. The very first decision you would make would activate all the resentments, i.e., the "sense of injustice," that is inextricable from the "sense" that things are badly ordered in the first place. Regicides had to criminalize the King..."
-You can't step outside because you could never deal with all the resentments your step would seemingly justify and unleash by simply saying things are badly ordered? Or you can't step outside because philosophical ideals you find there will never do well the work of deferring resentments? In any case, I have a sense why regicides criminalized the king (obviously that's what you do if you want to kill him; and you are further suggesting, rightly i think, that a parliament can't ever legislate without defaming some kind of big man) but I'm not sure why you are suggesting there was no other way, historically, for Parliamentarians to say things are badly ordered and keep "all the resentments" in some kind of check while merely sidetracking the king, because in the end, after civil war admittedly, the British did come up with the idea of a constitutional monarchy. And how does this "you can't step out" deal with the avant-garde artists whom you propose in the previous post as going somewhat outside, or "para", to compare and test scenes (albeit not-too-resentfully), beyond the middling artist's job of performing dramatic court-room trials for the bureaucratic class?
In any case, the trend (at least in the non-American anglo countries) already is away from legislatures legislating. They seem to be doing less and less as the Prime Minister's Offices shape things, often without pushing "new laws" but using established administrative rights. (Do anti-SLAPP laws become necessary when almost no one listens to what is said in Parliament anymore and all the slandering and scapegoating goes on outside?) Nonetheless, here in Canada, the last PM, Stephen Harper got into a brouhaha with the Supreme Court (or with their academic and media apologists, after publicly bad-mouthing the court) because, it seems, they wouldn't recognise his office as a de facto Supreme Court according to the founding doctrine that Parliament is the supreme arbiter. The judges now see themselves as ultimate arbiters, in a federal system where there are two levels of government claiming to share in the prerogatives of the Crown, in addition to their role as guardians of "human rights". So a Canadian SAS or juridical party would have to somehow propose knocking the judges down a peg (by ending federalism?) without being seen, or more importantly seeing themselves, as either revolutionary or Parliamentary Supremacists? Or, can you see yourself as revolutionary once you have worked pragmatically to get into a position to knock them down a peg, having talked mostly about restoring decency, coherence, sustainability, and a proper judiciary, to public life?
"And how does this "you can't step out" deal with the avant-garde artists whom you propose in the previous post as going somewhat outside, or "para", to compare and test scenes (albeit not-too-resentfully), beyond the middling artist's job of performing dramatic court-room trials for the bureaucratic class?"
In the kind of speech regime I'm imagining here, "parrhesia" would be an extremely fine, tentative and at times dangerous art, as it no doubt was for the ancient Hebrew prophets and Greek comedians and rhetoricians. In general, our discourse and thinking would be much improved if we always aimed at formulating things in such a way as to be both completely frank and completely immune from what a decent regime would treat as defamation. In fact, developing such "speech rules" might help with the kind of transitional thinking my previous comment spoke of.
We can imagine an ideal transition from one order to another involving the collapse of the existing governing agencies with enough competent people in place to simply catch the remaining necessary pieces and recompose them. In that case, it would be kind of like getting into the conductor's cabin after he has been incapacitated and stopping a runaway train (Trotsky uses precisely this analogy in one place.) But such complete disorder would be too orderly, in a sense--the function and dysfunction would be too intricately bound up with each other. Curtis Yarvin imagines a smooth transition not unlike my ideal scenario here--a President elected on dissolving the Federal bureaucracy just fires everyone and sends them off with a lifetime pension. But what would the campaign look like? Such a candidate would be virulently attacked and accused of all kinds of crimes himself--to vindicate himself he'd need to expose the crimes used to attack him, or promise to do so. You need people on your side to staff the new government, and they would need to know you're going to defend them against false charges and abuses of power as well. How much this needs to escalate will depend upon the opposition faced, but preparing for a major escalation is the best way to preclude it. So, the juridical provides for the "transitional program," where everything can be done on the terms of the existing system, a system which you show to be utterly degraded. Except for the little detail of abolishing the legislature which, yes, doesn't really legislate but rather funnels funds and provides grants of authority to various bureaucratic agencies. The judicial and executive can be made right, but not the legislative. But the removal of immunity from the legislators, as you suggest, can go a long way toward neutralizing them and turning them (back) into a kind of advisory board for the executive, maybe with a super-majority veto power (I'm feeling generous right now, but anywhere, we're just trying out ways of talking about it here). To answer your question more directly, insisting upon a kind of hyper-juridicalization is necessary because resentments need to be staged and shown to be adjudicated. We cannot simply invent a new language cleansed of the juridical. I'm also drawing on recent experience here, as we can see how central the legal system will be toward crippling any "incorrigible" candidate.
But you can issue calls for justice and for trying wrong-doers while also building a constituency of less political and meta-political technocrats who just want to do good work and/or see the depth of the crisis and don't want to engage in the tit-for-tats others must. But no one should ever say or promise more than they absolutely have to, not only to avoid tipping your hand but because you genuinely don't know how things might go.
I certainly appreciate your emphasis on programs for a new order that can be started now in a pragmatic, not-too-obviously-revolutionary spirit. How open can one be about this though? Can one have a "political" party (if only the creation of a greater movement) openly devoted to ending politics in the name of common decency? How do you address your members if the goal is to make them, ultimately, into a working hierarchy of apolitical officers, or non-party party? If this "party", let's call it the Slap away the anti-SLAPP laws party (SAS - because I can't think of a good acronym for a You Can No Longer Call us Racists and Uncle Toms Party), whose slogan might be "free Parliaments and politics from the work of slander", institutions which as you suggest presently take their immunity from defamation laws as fundamental to their original privileges won in combat with (killing) the king, how can one sustain the claim that one is being pragmatic in face of the inevitable onslaught of claims that SAS is an anti-democratic, hence revolutionary party? One has to be in some way Machiavellian, no? Or can one be simply a happy warrior who is pragmatically restoring an originary constitution and protecting free speech but only for the work of maintaining data security?
My question stems from the passage in this post that is giving me, i think, the most trouble:
"There will never be any way of stepping outside of the existing order and representing that order as badly ordered in accord with some abstract model of order and proposing bringing it into closer approximation to that ideal. The very first decision you would make would activate all the resentments, i.e., the "sense of injustice," that is inextricable from the "sense" that things are badly ordered in the first place. Regicides had to criminalize the King..."
-You can't step outside because you could never deal with all the resentments your step would seemingly justify and unleash by simply saying things are badly ordered? Or you can't step outside because philosophical ideals you find there will never do well the work of deferring resentments? In any case, I have a sense why regicides criminalized the king (obviously that's what you do if you want to kill him; and you are further suggesting, rightly i think, that a parliament can't ever legislate without defaming some kind of big man) but I'm not sure why you are suggesting there was no other way, historically, for Parliamentarians to say things are badly ordered and keep "all the resentments" in some kind of check while merely sidetracking the king, because in the end, after civil war admittedly, the British did come up with the idea of a constitutional monarchy. And how does this "you can't step out" deal with the avant-garde artists whom you propose in the previous post as going somewhat outside, or "para", to compare and test scenes (albeit not-too-resentfully), beyond the middling artist's job of performing dramatic court-room trials for the bureaucratic class?
In any case, the trend (at least in the non-American anglo countries) already is away from legislatures legislating. They seem to be doing less and less as the Prime Minister's Offices shape things, often without pushing "new laws" but using established administrative rights. (Do anti-SLAPP laws become necessary when almost no one listens to what is said in Parliament anymore and all the slandering and scapegoating goes on outside?) Nonetheless, here in Canada, the last PM, Stephen Harper got into a brouhaha with the Supreme Court (or with their academic and media apologists, after publicly bad-mouthing the court) because, it seems, they wouldn't recognise his office as a de facto Supreme Court according to the founding doctrine that Parliament is the supreme arbiter. The judges now see themselves as ultimate arbiters, in a federal system where there are two levels of government claiming to share in the prerogatives of the Crown, in addition to their role as guardians of "human rights". So a Canadian SAS or juridical party would have to somehow propose knocking the judges down a peg (by ending federalism?) without being seen, or more importantly seeing themselves, as either revolutionary or Parliamentary Supremacists? Or, can you see yourself as revolutionary once you have worked pragmatically to get into a position to knock them down a peg, having talked mostly about restoring decency, coherence, sustainability, and a proper judiciary, to public life?
And let me deal briefly with this remark:
"And how does this "you can't step out" deal with the avant-garde artists whom you propose in the previous post as going somewhat outside, or "para", to compare and test scenes (albeit not-too-resentfully), beyond the middling artist's job of performing dramatic court-room trials for the bureaucratic class?"
In the kind of speech regime I'm imagining here, "parrhesia" would be an extremely fine, tentative and at times dangerous art, as it no doubt was for the ancient Hebrew prophets and Greek comedians and rhetoricians. In general, our discourse and thinking would be much improved if we always aimed at formulating things in such a way as to be both completely frank and completely immune from what a decent regime would treat as defamation. In fact, developing such "speech rules" might help with the kind of transitional thinking my previous comment spoke of.
Yes, we could all practise by trying to sum up the achievements of gain-of-function Fauci.
That is non-ironically correct.
We can imagine an ideal transition from one order to another involving the collapse of the existing governing agencies with enough competent people in place to simply catch the remaining necessary pieces and recompose them. In that case, it would be kind of like getting into the conductor's cabin after he has been incapacitated and stopping a runaway train (Trotsky uses precisely this analogy in one place.) But such complete disorder would be too orderly, in a sense--the function and dysfunction would be too intricately bound up with each other. Curtis Yarvin imagines a smooth transition not unlike my ideal scenario here--a President elected on dissolving the Federal bureaucracy just fires everyone and sends them off with a lifetime pension. But what would the campaign look like? Such a candidate would be virulently attacked and accused of all kinds of crimes himself--to vindicate himself he'd need to expose the crimes used to attack him, or promise to do so. You need people on your side to staff the new government, and they would need to know you're going to defend them against false charges and abuses of power as well. How much this needs to escalate will depend upon the opposition faced, but preparing for a major escalation is the best way to preclude it. So, the juridical provides for the "transitional program," where everything can be done on the terms of the existing system, a system which you show to be utterly degraded. Except for the little detail of abolishing the legislature which, yes, doesn't really legislate but rather funnels funds and provides grants of authority to various bureaucratic agencies. The judicial and executive can be made right, but not the legislative. But the removal of immunity from the legislators, as you suggest, can go a long way toward neutralizing them and turning them (back) into a kind of advisory board for the executive, maybe with a super-majority veto power (I'm feeling generous right now, but anywhere, we're just trying out ways of talking about it here). To answer your question more directly, insisting upon a kind of hyper-juridicalization is necessary because resentments need to be staged and shown to be adjudicated. We cannot simply invent a new language cleansed of the juridical. I'm also drawing on recent experience here, as we can see how central the legal system will be toward crippling any "incorrigible" candidate.
But you can issue calls for justice and for trying wrong-doers while also building a constituency of less political and meta-political technocrats who just want to do good work and/or see the depth of the crisis and don't want to engage in the tit-for-tats others must. But no one should ever say or promise more than they absolutely have to, not only to avoid tipping your hand but because you genuinely don't know how things might go.
Thanks! See anything of interest here?:
Of course in this case I'm sympathetic to Alberta because Supreme Courts are not real courts now.