"since it did constitute a “return” grounded on connections to the land maintained over the centuries"

And at the same time all of these WNs would froth at the idea of reconquering Germania, were it overtaken. They have not treated Israelis honestly.

You hit on the heart of the matter. Israel is set up to be the choice sacrifice for liberalism. Our hope is that we instead turn them into the tip of the spear for First Worldism, which can be seen as the same as your 'unwriting of the exemplary victim'.

It doesn't have to be an essentialist or geographic thing at all (imagine how many tribes' representations were folded in, so much we don't even know of in explicit language, only subtle influence). It's whether you have good institutional—dare I say spiritual—thinking. From there humans can conquer any obstacle. Doesn't matter what you look like or what peculiar custom you represent within.

"that there has not been a sovereign state on this territory prior to Israel other than the ancient Jewish Commonwealth itself is, at least, interesting"


"I’ve seen that people who have not paid much attention to Israel before and start to notice all this stuff and find it bewildering, and with reason. It’s all sui generis"

It is a kind of acid test of whom is a long term friend—and I would even say a real "right winger."

I knew little about Israel and there are points where I mocked (American) Js. But as I learned more it became clear to me the side apart from _Israel_ was weak and dishonest and Israel represented an overworked bastion for First Worldism.

I already found the WNs childish, but their obsession with Israel and their alliance with the Third World concluded corridors of my thinking. I don't regret some of the mocking I did against LWJs here in America, who often are a Usual Suspect, but I think I've gotten my bearings about how to be more measured.

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It's very telling that those who turn sharply against Israel have only accusations and no alternative model of alliances or sovereignty. If you ask them what should be there instead their answer will translate into something like "i don't care and don't want to take an interest but the Jews give me no choice but to be very interested now. I'm against the Jews because they interfere with my obliviousness to the world." They can be disregarded because those who know you can't be oblivious will then be making the decisions.

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I'm a National Socialist and I don't like Israel.

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Well, at least you liked the post.

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I have some of your interviews on my YT watch list, like the one with my buddy Dimes, but I forgot about them and I haven't thought about you in ages- but then, one of your articles showed up in my substack feed lol

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What is this blog even about? I know about Eric Gans & GA, as well as Rene Girard & the mimetic crisis, but what even is this? I recall reading your book back in 2022 when I was 16/17 and not really being able to make sense of it.

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It's an exploration of all the possible implications of the originary hypothesis to the point of remaking all human knowledge and language.

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Huh. Maybe I'll buy your book from IP

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